“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” - Confucius

6th Gup Green White to 5th Gup Solid Green

New ranks are assigned to individuals of good moral character, who have been accepted as a member of, and are in good standings with Bunker Hill Karate. Students must show consistent attendance and meet the minimum requirements outlined in the following page to be CONSIDERED for rank advancement.

Remember, time alone does not count as the right to test; time plus consistent practice and the right attitude are needed for testing. Your instructor(s) reserve the right to reduce time in grade and/or skip ranks at their discretion. Rank advancement is granted by the head instructor (Mr. Downey) and master (Master Capolupo).

Etiquette, technique, skill, knowledge, attitude, grades, and behavior in and out of the dojang are taken into account for rank advancement.

All Previous Rank Requirements Must be Met

Dojang training hours in rank: 24

Hyung (Form): Pyung Ahn Ee Dan

Self Defense: Intermediate One Steps 3 - 5

Techniques: Axe Kick, Hook Kick, Ridge Hand

Breaking: Jump Pump Front Kick

Etiquette: Helps clean and put away gear after class

Philosophy: The Five Codes of Tang Soo Do

  1. Be loyal to one’s country

  2. Be obedient to parents and elders

  3. Honor friendship

  4. Never retreat in battle

  5. In fighting, choose with sense and honor

Korean Terms

English Translation

Back Kick

Axe Kick

Hook Kick

Side Punch

Back Fist

Hammer Fist

Dwi Cha Gi

Ccik Cha G

Yup Hu Ro Cha Gi

Weng Jin Kong Kyuck

Kap Kwon Kong Kyuck

Kwan Do Kong Kyuck