The use of the term student is referring to Anyone who participates in training with Bunker Hill Karate and Fitness, LLC.
Students are expected to participate in class and do the best they possibly can. All students are expected to conduct themselves with honor and humility. The school (Dojang) is a safe space for students to learn and push their abilities to better themselves. Bullying, name calling, teasing, and harassment of any kind is not tolerated at Bunker Hill Karate and will result in disciplinary action (see Disobedience).
Attendance and punctuality
It is of the utmost importance that the student is punctual to each lesson. Class start and end times are clearly listed on this website and are consistent. Students should be present, dressed, and ready to line up before the classes start time. This shows respect to the school and instructors time and avoids causing a distraction during class.
If it is your child that is training, and they arrive before the instructor has arrived on-site, it is required that you remain with them until a member of staff is present. Until a member of staff is on-site you are responsible for their safety and well-being. Should you choose to leave them unattended, we hold no responsibility for them. It is also important that you arrive promptly and on time to collect your child. Our instructors have other classes to teach and cannot divert attention to the student waiting to be picked up. It is the parents’ responsibility to collect their children promptly at the end of class.
Any student misbehaving, not paying attention, being disrespectful to instructors/other students, etc. may be subject to disciplinary action by the instructors. This could include but not limited to, a verbal reprimand, the assignment of exercise (Push-ups, squats, etc.), exclusion from class, or expulsion.
If a student is excused from class for the day, no refund will be issued.
We reserve the right to discontinue training for any student that we deem as persistently disobedient. Should we feel we are unable to control the student’s behavior, and that the child’s behavior is detrimental to the other students’ training, then we will notify the student/parents, and the student will be dismissed from further lessons. Discipline is embedded in the culture of martial arts and is required for training.
Image Consent
We would like to take pictures, and occasionally video the students performing their Martial Arts for promotional and advertising purposes (website, flyers, social media, etc.). The photos will always be appropriate, and available for the customer to view upon request.
Personal Belongings
We cannot be held responsible for any personal belongings lost or stolen during a training session. It is strongly advised that anything of value be left at home. Should a child need to contact a parent or parent need to contact a child, then the instructor will have a phone.
Health and Safety
Students participate in what can be intense physical exercise, including, but not limited to, running, stretching, aerobic and resistance exercise, all of which can result in injury or in incredibly unlikely circumstances, death.
It is the student/parent’s responsibility to consult with a doctor to ensure that intense physical exercise will not pose a problem to the student. Should a student or observer be injured severely enough to require medical attention or require medical assistance while at Bunker Hill Karate, 911 will be called immediately.
Students who have any infectious disease symptoms are required to NOT attend class. Students who are obviously sick will be excused from class and parent will be contacted if needed.
The student/parent’s personally assume all risks in connection with these activities and hereby agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify Bunker Hill Karate, it’s Owner, Associates, Members, Employees and Agents and Building Owners (collectively referred to as Bunker Hill Karate), from any and all liability, claims, and causes of action (including any claims and actions by third parties alleging injury) arising out of or in any way connected with the student’s participation in these activities.
Student’s/parent’s further agree that they, their heirs, legal representatives, and/or assigns will not make any claim against Bunker Hill Karate, for any injury or damage resulting from training and will release and discharge Bunker Hill Karate from all claims or demands arising from injury or damage to the student caused as a result of said training.
Student’s/parent’s understand and agree that the instruction/training provided by Bunker Hill Karate is intended to be used solely for recreational sport, or for personal self-defense purposes.