Entering and Leaving the Dojang
It is proper etiquette, while in uniform or everyday clothes, to bow toward the flags, the dojang and/or the instructor upon entering and leaving the dojang. Students do not have to wait for the instructor to acknowledge the bow if the instructor is busy. This demonstrates respect and appreciation for country, training hall, instructor, and the art of Tang Soo Do.
Starting and Dismissing Class
Each class will begin and end with a formal line-up by rank with the most senior student on the far right. Respect is paid to the flag, the art of Tang Soo Do and the Instructors. This is lead by the highest ranking student with the following commands:
Cha Ryut (Attention)
Ku Ki Ba Ray (Salute the flag)
Ba Ro (Return)
Muk Nyum (Meditation)
Ba Ro (Return)
Cha Ryut (Attention)
Kwan Jang Nim / Sa Bom Nim / Kyo Sa Nim kay kyung yet (Bow to the Grand Master / Master / Ee Dan Instructor if they have that title. Keep in mind that titles are not necessarily given with rank.)
The senior Cho Dan Bo or Gup will then bring the attention of the junior ranks to the black belts, they and the less senior Dans will all face the senior Dan member and the senior Cho Dan Bo will say “Ko Dan Jae Kay Kyung Yet”
The instructor or sabom may decide to be less formal by stopping the bow in before the cho dan bo or gups take over, or at a more formal event, may allow the bow in to go down further in the ranks by having the senior green belt bow the class in to all the red belts and up.
Conduct During Class
If you arrive late, bow and wait at the entrance of the dojang until you are acknowledged by the instructor and invited to join class.
Show respect by bowing when the instructor or a senior member offers personal assistance. A junior member should refrain from correcting a senior member in the dojang.
During the class, if you have a question, raise your hand. Stand at attention, bow, and ask the question when prompted by the instructor. After an answer is received it is proper to bow and say, “Thank you Ma’am/Sir.”
If for any reason you must be excused from class, raise your hand to gain recognition from the instructor. After permission from the instructor, bow and excuse yourself. When/if you are able to rejoin class, stand at attention on the outskirts of the room until recognized by the instructor. Once recognized by the instructor, bow and rejoin class.
During the class, upon the entrance of the Kwan Jang Nim, Sa Bom Nim, Kyo Sa Nim, the cheif instructor of the class will call the class to attention “Cha Ryut” and command “Kyung Yet”. The class will then recognize the instructor with a bow.
At the end of the class, after the closing ceremonies, all class members should bow to their instructor according to bow in protocol noted above.
Club Visiting Protocol
All students are encouraged to visit other TSDMA schools throughout Connecticut, as well as our schools in New York and Tennessee. Be sure to notify your instructor before attending class at another TSDMA school. See TSDMA website for school locations.
TSDMA students may take one free class per month at any TSDMA dojang. After the complimentary class, pay the going rate at that school.
The Uniform
Approved Uniforms
Students may wear any uniform authorized by the Head Instructor of the dojang.
All Students will wear their traditional uniforms to formal events: Gradings, Tournaments, etc.
Six Gup through Four Gup - Uniforms trimmed in green.
Tree Gup through One Gup - Uniforms trimmed in red.
Cho Dan Bo - Uniforms without trim.
Dan Members - Uniforms fully trimmed in midnight blue.
Tang Soo Do Masters Alliance Patch
The eagle represents America, liberty and the resiliency of our founding Masters. Its wings are spread to signify soaring, prospering and expanding the reach of Tang Soo Do.
The five stars represent the original five founding Masters. (Stars are in the original TSDMA logo)
The eagle clutches a Master belt signifying the unity among the Masters in the alliance.
There are two crossed flags with the American pole on top signifying its importance. We are loyal, even reverent to the American flag, yet respectful to the Korean art, its heritage and teachings.
There is no apostrophe which would denote ownership. This is to say that the Masters built this organization for its members, not for themselves.
The stars represent each of the states.
Blue represents perseverance and justice.
The 13 stripes represent the original colonies.
White represents purity and innocence.
Red represents courage.
Top left symbol represents Heaven
Top right symbol represents Water
Bottom left symbol represents Fire
Bottom right symbol represents Earth
White background represents purity and peace
Red half of the circle represents Yang
Blue half of the circle represents Um
The Um / Yang represents opposing forces in the universe
Placement of Patches
TSDMA Patch - On left breast of dobak, over your heart.
Korean Flag - On right shoulder. Red portion of the um / yang symbol facing up.
American Flag - On left shoulder
Special Patches (Black w/ Gold Trim) - On left arm below American flag. You may wear up to four of these patches.
Approved Special Patches
Asst. Instructor
Junior Instructor
Instructor in Training
Masters Club
Leadership Club
Black Belt Club
Academic Achievement
Competition Team
Demo Team